We provide total consultant services to support your lifestyle in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
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We provide total consultant services to support your lifestyle in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Educational Migration to Malaysia



Benefits of Choosing Malaysia as a Destination for Educational Migration

For more than 10 years Malaysia has been chosen as the No.1 country for migration to Japanese people, and recently attracted attention as a migration destination for the education of children.

Below are the merits of choosing Malaysia as an education migration destination.

  1. English ability top in Asia

    Malaysia has been ranked third top after the Singapore and Philippines for English ability ranking in Asian countries.
    The official language of Malaysia is Malay, but you can see many Malaysians can speak English.

  2. Possible to learn other than the English language

    Because Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country, English, Chinese and Malay languages are being spoken daily. So it is possible to learn a language other than English.

  3. Learn the diverse values

    As I mentioned above, because Malaysia is a multi-ethnic nation, each ethnic groups have their own language, culture, religion, and lifestyle. By spending in an environment that is not only with a single race, you can cultivate a variety of values.

  4. Relatively low cost

    Compared to other countries, living expenses and tuition are relatively inexpensive in Malaysia. For long-term education purposes, this is an important point.

  5. Ease of long-term stay visa

    If you want to stay in Malaysia for a long term, you will need to acquire a long-stay visa. Malaysia is a very friendly environment as a guardian visa can be applied together with the student visa. Not many countries will provide guardian visas.
    Furthermore, there is also a long-stay visa called "MM2H visa" or "S-MM2H visa" that can be applied if you meet the requirements. Those visas are also one of the choices for migrating to Malaysia.
    For more information on long-stay visas for Malaysia, check "Long-term Visas Required to Migrate Malaysia (7 Types of Migration Models)".

  6. Good safety and security

    Among the low-cost Asian countries, Malaysia has a relatively safe environment. Of course, beware of being a foreigner will be necessary.

The Type of Education System and Schools in Malaysia

Malaysia's compulsory education system

Malaysia's compulsory education is a full 6 years of primary education and 5 years of secondary education starting from the age of seven.

The type of school in Malaysia

In Malaysia, there are public schools, private schools and international schools.

Public schools in Malaysia are divided into schools of Malay, Chinese and Indian, or separated boys and girls schools or mixed schools.

Malaysian public school tuition fees are free of charge.

For the curriculum, public schools and private schools in Malaysia follow the Malaysia national curriculum.

On the other hand, international school curricula are different for each school.

If a foreign student wants to receive an education in Malaysia, they need to go to an international school.

The main reasons are as follows.

  • Foreigners find it hard to enrol into public schools (except MM2H visa holders).
  • For public schools even private schools, taking the Malay language class is compulsory and the lesson is carried out in the language of each race so there is a hurdle for foreigners.

School life in Malaysia

In Malaysia, commonly parents will send and pick up their children to school. There is no culture of walking to school.

For this reason, it is common for a drop-off / pick-up by parents / guardians or to use the school bus.

Most schools will start classes from 7:30 am, and dismiss around 1:00 pm or 2:00 pm.

However, because of the large number of students in public schools, there are also schools introduced different time systems. Some schools set the class in the morning is only the upper-grade students, and lower-grade students attend in the afternoon.

Public schools have 2 semesters per year and they start the semester every year in January.

For school holidays, there is a holiday of around one week to about a month in March, June, August and December.

However, for international schools, the academic year start month and the school holiday are different by school follows their curriculum.

How to Choose an International School in Malaysia

How to Choose an International School in Malaysia

Features of Malaysian International School

Some may say, "I'm worried about getting an education with a curriculum different from my country". Don’t worry because the curriculum adopted by Malaysian international schools is in line with world standards. All of the foreigners who went to international schools, enter university and become global adults, so the curriculum is also applicable to your country's education.

In Malaysia, the main curriculum is British, but there are many American schools and International Baccalaureate (IB) schools. Depending on the curriculum, issues such as whether there is a test for completing the course and the affinity of the curriculum for the test at the time of entering university become issues. It is very important to choose a curriculum, especially in high school for your child’s future career. Conversely, the curriculum chosen in the elementary and middle grades does not have such a big impact on life.

How To Choose Your International School

How To Choose your International School

The good or bad of international schools depends on what curriculum the school provide and how much support it has for teachers.

I have the impression that many of the teachers at international schools are excellent and confident in their teaching policies. I think it is very important for children to be able to get close to such teachers.

Conversely, if the school cannot realize your education target, you may quit immediately. The movement of teachers is seasonal, and if you leave the school in the middle of the semester, it may be difficult to fill in the gaps. Teachers also live in a world where they gain experience and get higher salaries every time the school changes, so it is a difficult environment to learn from the same teacher all the time. Even if you meet a good teacher this year, there is a risk that you will not know if it will happen next year.

I think one of the criteria for a good international school is how much the school considers the risks of such teachers. Some schools have backups in their home countries, and some schools are considering placing teachers in the same school over the medium to long term.

In that sense, many of Johor Bahru's international schools are still fresh, and some schools have the impression that their maturity has not yet increased. In general, if the school has a high cost, it will be a school that gives such consideration, and if it is a school with a low cost, it will be a school with less such consideration.

Looking at how to choose an international school for each family, I feel that few families think that once they decide, they will continue to attend that school. Depending on the situation of the child, some families may find a suitable school and change schools. Some families change schools in elementary school, junior high school, and high school.

Therefore, I think the most important thing is not so much about where to go to school, but how much parents are thinking about their children. By all means, let's do our best to provide the best educational environment for your child's future.

The equation of success is hard to come by. But if you think about it carefully, you'll find that "this is the best choice right now." We would like to provide you with solid information so that you can make the best choice for such a home.

Features of each timing and age of education migration

Parents who are considering the education migration, parents need to think of a good time for their children. For this, there is no one correct answer, so here is how to have a point of thinking.

Point 1: How far do you want your child to know your country's language other than English

If life is abroad, time to touch / study in own country's language will reduce. If the age is younger and younger children leave their own country, it makes it difficult to learn perfectly.

Point 2: Do you plan to return the child to own country

If you plan to return the children to your own country, you must consider the migration timing, including the course they need to take after their return to their own country. You must consider your country's language ability and academic ability so it is important to be concerned as in elementary school, junior high school, high school and university, in which there is a point to be the turning point of enrollment and entrance examination. On the other hand, without considering returning to your own country, you could proceed to Malaysia or other foreign countries (English country). It depends on the motivation and English language skills of the child, but you do not need to be careful with the timing of the migration there.

However, it is difficult to enrol on an international school if no English language skills and learning skills for high school and normally are not recommended.

A common feature of the timing of the age-specific education immigration
Migration timing Merit Demerit
Preschool Easy to speak English and the local language, and adapt to the local environment. Struggle to study own country's language.
Elementary School (lower grades) Easy to speak English and the local language, and adapt to the local environment. Struggle to learn own country's language and the own culture.
Elementary School (higher grades) Understand own country's language and culture well so it will remain. Struggle to understand the English textbook.
Middle School Finish elementary school, so basically know own country identity well. It is hard to keep up to learn everything in English at school.
High School Cheaper compared to migrating to the US or European countries. Possible to let the student alone by enrolling on a boarding house. Considerable English force is required and if not, it is difficult to further study after high school.
College Cheaper compared to migrating to the US or European countries. (Also possible to get a double degree by the Western System). If studying at a Malaysian university, it is hard to get a job if going back own country.

In Order Not to Fail in Education Migration

After migration to Malaysia, some people need to return to their own country unexpectedly. To avoid such a thing, preparation is the most important thing to do. Concerning the educational environment in Malaysia, it is important to collect accurate information, including both the bad and good sides. It is important to experience the short-term school trial or a school visit once before migrating. You also need to consider in advance for your child's path after the migration.

If families are coming without going through such a step, they may stay here with no problem if they are lucky. But if not, there might be some problems occur and there are families who are returning to their own country.

Since it might affect the important child's growing path, you need to consider education migration very well and make preparations.

Our Consultant Service for International Education

To those who are considering migrating to Malaysia, we are experienced in supporting international school enrollment, school tours and consultation. It might be difficult to get information regarding local international schools in Malaysia from foreign countries. We provide summer school programme guidance, short-term school trial and other consulting services in Johor Bahru and it will help you to choose the best education program for your child.

Our Service Fee & Contents For Educational Migration Support

School tour support Admission support (per child, one school school)
Advice on selecting schools for a visit
School tour (up to 3 schools per day)
School tour with city tour (up to 2 schools per day)
*Online interviews with schools can be arranged upon request.
Support to fill in the admission form
Support to prepare the enrollment documentation (medical check-up, reports card, letter of recommendation etc.)
Liaise with school for the admission (email, phone etc)
Interpretation & translation support
School tour arrangement Admission test arrangement
School tour interpretation and pickup support Registration fees, payment support
Provide information & consultation Show around properties for rent (Virtual viewings may be arranged.)

RM1,600 / day


  • The costs do not include the payments to the school, any official translation for documentation, or medical check-ups.

Our Strengths

We are, so far we have arranged more than 150 cases for school visits, school introduction and enrollment support. We open applications for summer camp, short-term trial, and school enrollment mainly around Johor Bahru and we have a network with the schools. By using our information, network and consultation, you can enrol your child on the international school with peace of mind as we also support lifestyle after the migration and lifestyle in school.

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